Sexism and the Media

The gender gap in Italy is one of the highest among developed nations as the latest data available confirms.

If Italy is lagging behind the rest of the world and threatens, once more, to miss opportunities, are the media to blame for the representation they often  give of women or are they only reporting the status quo of our culture?

The issue is of great social relevance for a Country in which sexism is part of the daily picture made of women represented as “velinas”, or worst as escort,  becoming so popular to drive  a great protest and a huge movement calling to have more respect.

Around this question will take place, next friday in Rome, a debate organized by Associazione Pulitzer in collaboration with Associazione LSDI [Libertà di Stampa Diritto all’Informazione] and the DigiLab of University La Sapienza of Rome under the advocacy of Federazione Nazionale della Stampa.

“Women and Media. The role of woman in the collective imaginary”  will see the partecipation, among others, of Giovanna Cosenza, professor of semiotics of new media at the University of Bologna, Antonella Beccaria, journalist and writer, Natascha Fioretti, head of the italian section of the European Jornalism Observatory and Loredana Lipperini, journalist and radio speaker.

Such an important issue and the partecipation of so many qualified speakers shouldn’t be unattended not only by women but by all those who care about the future of our Country. I’ll be there.

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